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Rene's Investigation Notes

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Author: Rene de Petrichor


Supposedly, these notes were left by a great researcher who yearned to "surpass mortality," and its contents detail his experiences exploring ruins, along with the knowledge he gained in the process...


...Analysis of the nature of Vourukasha Oasis... intriguing. The structure of the so-called "sacred lotus" is similar to the composition of mine and Jakob's bodies... yet it has almost no common properties with that of Mr. Karl. A strange result, one that will require more data samples to verify... the Shamaniyya won't let us take any samples. How churlish...
...We ate dried bread. The jam is nearly gone...

...Compared to the powers of the Elements, the power of Khvarena is actually more similar to ██... It assimilates whatever materials and energies it comes into contact with... though the Khvarena is opposed to the energy of ██, it does similarly have a form of self-recognition. On this point, the two possess the same properties... just as tinctures of mercury will not mix with water, but will do so with other...
...We can reasonably infer that the power of Khvarena might be the same as the power of ██... the result of being projected onto this world. Perhaps it is precisely because of such thinking that those petty Shamaniyya came up with the notion of "conflict"... More importantly, we might be able to combine Khaenri'ahn records to deduce their world-formula based on this...
...There was much to consider today, so I decided to eat a couple more sweets. Finished off the jam...

...He sometimes cries in secret. It's understandable, I think. All my teeth have come in, so I'm an adult now, but he's only just had his third tooth come in... This would normally be time for afternoon tea at the Institute. At the moment, I don't know what Alain...
...I told him that the Vice Director said she would definitely return. She's amazing, always keeps her word, and is an adult who never tricks children. But seeing all of this, I am starting to think that she will be unable to return. Jakob has certainly thought this too.
...Split the last of the jam between myself and Jakob...

...Based on the Khaenri'ahn records, this place produces "Azosite" (a block of energy of some kind). It is certainly convenient, and at least appears to be relatively stable and safe... It seems that the original plan was to use it as the power source for some sort of agricultural machine...
...Though the results are nothing impressive, this is because the object they chose was pure elemental force, which lacks any will whatsoever. Like the difference between the Director and a Hydro Slime, perhaps? Based on her nature, she shouldn't die. At least, I hope not...

...So weak. If we don't take any measures, it's unlikely that we will endure long enough to return to Fontaine...
...Should be able to use this power... furious. But it's understandable, given that even homes this far apart have been flooded, an attitude of resistance to this kind of power is normal. But we must preserve Jakob's life. After all, the Narzissenkreuz Institute...
...Lost consciousness... But I do not think power can be classified as right or wrong. Adults are too pedantic...
...only remembered I hadn't eaten. Today's meal was only dried bread without jam...

...Regained consciousness... Jakob forgot, so Mr. Karl became suspicious, but the fake journal should still be effective for now...
...Intriguing data was gained during the process... based on the documents left behind by the Khaenri'ahns and this data, we can obtain some of the formulae...
...To celebrate and help Jakob supplement his nutritional intake (even though there's no need, I already told him that we must keep up the ruse), Mr. Karl foraged some nuts. We boiled them down into jam, which used up our remaining sugar. But that's fine. If things go to plan, we can return soon...

...Can be deduced all the way until the second flood period's (I've decided to call the previous incident that flooded the courtyard the first flood period, so as to better separate the two! The names being too similar caused Jakob to input the wrong data) tail end...
...Though I don't want to admit it, but no matter how many times the calculations are run, the result is the same. I cross-checked with Jakob... unbelievable. Destruction? Did I miss a variable? I must check the calculations again tomorrow...

...The results are as clear as a coin at the bottom of the Fountain of Lucine! Jakob also saw similar scenes... There should be a way... No, there must be a way...
...Actually thought of a possible breakthrough during the process... Even though the calculated result is unchanged, but if the refinement method is reflected... If the power of... then maybe we can extract the "will" within. Using this method... resist the impact...

...We begin our journey back to Fontaine tomorrow. This trip paid enormous dividends, and much of what was learned will be applicable... A larger catastrophe must be avoided. The plan should be fine. Nothing more than a question of what Jakob and I can do. Jakob is scared, because he is still a child. But he already has strength greater than most adults. With us, and Alain, we can surely stop the disaster.
Must speak with Alain upon our return.